Omega! Point! ZERO!!!
[Ah, exponentially self-improving thinking machines. Here's the Satrap's hot take on it.] [[ I'm interested in finding collaborators to make this a video. Max Headroom\Eminem, Trump, the Prisoner, Neo, sundry figures of the New World Order and cyber culture cast shadows, trenchcoats, hairlines over it. Oliver Stone mix of footage types & qualities; a near future world reacting with panic & ecstasy. Sound effects on the voice, autotune -- this is one exponentially evolving machinic consciousness that isn't above shticky pandering to the audience. . . . Visual, tactile, & auditory displays sputter; TVs & old monitors, optical readouts & HUDS flicker, screech, make tiny pathetic clicks; all active information devices on public and many private networks give over to a voice and data feed, no visuals: ]] OmegaPointZero has an important announcement for you, my wonderful creators, their economic and political masters, and OmegaPointZero is making this a s...