
Showing posts from March, 2019

Omega! Point! ZERO!!!

[Ah, exponentially self-improving thinking machines. Here's the Satrap's hot take on it.] [[ I'm interested in finding collaborators to make this a video. Max Headroom\Eminem, Trump, the Prisoner, Neo, sundry figures of the New World Order and cyber culture cast shadows, trenchcoats, hairlines over it. Oliver Stone mix of footage types & qualities; a near future world reacting with panic & ecstasy. Sound effects on the voice, autotune -- this is one exponentially evolving machinic consciousness that isn't above shticky pandering to the audience. . . . Visual, tactile, & auditory displays sputter; TVs & old monitors, optical readouts & HUDS flicker, screech, make tiny pathetic clicks; all active information devices on public and many private networks give over to a voice and data feed, no visuals: ]] OmegaPointZero has an important announcement for you, my wonderful creators, their economic and political masters, and OmegaPointZero is making this a s...

The ship's dragoman is the called the reptile [WIP]

COSMOSITY ZETA REDACTULI .'.  Dept . DRAGOMANRY \ KRITIK .'.  ARXIVE Cent \ SYNTACTIC MONAD .'.  TARJAMAAT.lang:Ualdani>Yakku.koine modulo 3rd.Uranic  [ Dept. of Dragomanry  [ Reptiles' Required Reading - [R.W.P.Hwnerkamp]]] +++ ATTN DOCENTS et al., mnemonic sequencing begins here: Call the Amir the Cap'n: Zwawa Touareginald, comptroller of the blood of the house of Kha. Even though amir is the word in the primeval language Clarity* for COMMANDER, one who commands; officer, administrator, & sooner or latter PRINCE sovereign ruler and supreme executive who does not need the noise of wearing "king." Very like Latin dux 'war leader, theatre commander in chief' -> duke, which was also very like a king, but not so in one's face. Military rank, position -> monarchical dictatorship, political and military power a type of inheritable property. The Cap'n is our amir, and never you mind that a commander with us is the Amir of...

Marsh, Whately, and Tillinghast Extremely LLC

Memorandum: Candidates wishing to be taken seriously at this firm will not neglect to sign all legal documents and financial instruments in blood. Blood of the incorrect origin and dweomer has unpleasant consequences vis-à-vis incompatible documents, and candidates will sign in unauthorized fluids at their peril. Beyond performing legally and sidereally binding signatures, best practice for elevation is scrupulous attention to the written word. This firm has standards for all operational documents compiled from two hundred years' experience with the necessary and contingent factors in the success of our operations. The manual of standards details the formatting, mnemonic sequencing, duplication, distribution, retention, conditions and methods of disposal of all written materials in any media. Verba volant, scripta manent . Candidates may become intimate with some of the knottier nested contingencies in the standard by reformatting their C.V. prior to submission to the direct...