Sorq review: what i need to track down to fulfill my promise!

I promised a certain Trilobite i'd get up to date on my Sorq notes; that was before i slammed down like ten new pages last night. SOME of these have already been transcribed, but where...?

Notes to collect from numbered notebooks [in index i made in N.22]

N.22 ... 

N.16 cross-section of underworld

Plutotects of Abadanih, great engineers and planet-crafters of antiquity
Worlds of Sorq's nexus
Underworld barbizans, access to deep places

Regions, civilization, magics
Great walls, wild areas
planetology, ancient engines in planet core
sketch from orbit; moons

N.13 lots of 13th stuff that can be enSorqed, later: mummy cultists, Dream demiurge
Šén reptiloids I have stolen from Tékumel; lots of material for a particular dungeon [Tetrarchs' Folly]; all Tetrarchy material should be imported, later.
that amounts to...lots of information on this reptiloid species inhabiting Sorq.
Šén icons.
Bonecraft armor: so strong! so flexible! so necromantically attunable!
Temple of Starless Night, Shen, planetary [lunar] intelligences

N.10 sketches in the genealogy of Sorq: hex fragment of smashed Tekumel; notion of procedurally generating worlds like a setting but not canonically written in fiddly detail. Various aliens and plants, sigils, etc.

N.7 li'l bit on D&D lizardmen
N.8 first appearance of both Tetrarchs' Folly and Sorq! key idea: extensive realm of underworlds, dungeons as magic and symbol, not just holes with monsters.
Sorqite sampler: views of population on Underworld and advanced delvers therein.
Cross-section diagram: city, tombs, underworld.

N.5 Šén, liches, mummies, correspondence (space/time) magic
global species

N.3 précis, attempt at 13th Age style icons

[[ All Tetrarchy stuff: N.13, 8, 6, 5, 3, 2 ]


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