
Showing posts from April, 2021

[stupid fiction] The MILFship's a-comin'

 26-3-19 Bad news, brother: the MILFship has arrived in orbit at last. People all over the planet are gonna be able to see the sharp lines and hard edges, coasting, skipping, or under steady boost from those drive nozzles at the stern; which, as no other apertures of note can be detected on the MILFship's surface, means this monster is powering around OUR ATMOSPHERE, Phil, on a fucking relativistic --interstellar -- star drive, you know what that is?  It is that roman candle that a cruel bachelor uncle won't let you shoot off, children are simply TOO SMALL, TOO PUNY to manage a fine piece of Guyanan manufacture like this, oh you had a charmer like Big Cousin Hanno too? Yeah, so instead of that dime store De Sade only barely not burning us alive instead of just our shoes catching fire along with topsoil to 6 inches down some places, down to the incombustible sand with that only-barely-technically-sub-military ordnance!!!!!! HANNO!!!  Phil, do you know I have a six centimet...

In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics

 ...we are getting such clean energy out of this thing, our equipment is running at 134% efficiency and climbing! What's that, Chang? 140 now? Wow, you sure? Go back and check. Well, check a fifth time, Chang, I'm talking to the Council of Thirteen right now! They are very interested! No, leave it open. God. Where was I. Well, more good news. We're not making waste heat anymore, we're actually cooling so fast the kids down in R&D think they've cooked up a way to do cryo-calculation at the same time! Now, water vapor _is_ freezing out of the air into this weirdly tough structure nobody's ever seen, we're calling it ice-XIX; it seems to resist melting without energy input that is increasing at a rate consistent with the increase in efficiency, and... also... it's drawing more water vapor from tertiary and quaternary ventilation too, even though those are supposed to be sealed off. Yes, Excellency, we're already doing that. No, none of our personnel...

Diagetic Magic on Sorq — initial thoughts toward a sui generis magic system

Sorq's wizards, priests, temples, and the Underworld A wizard is an arcane magic user not connected to either an established temple or to any of the rivals, although many wizards spent some time in the outer circles of a priesthood before going it alone. Many wizards are aligned with some grandee, or are themselves aristocrats, and others live in remote areas where no temple can apply political pressure or get away with murder, when secular rulers so often avert their gaze from temple affairs. In cities and populous country, temple magicians jealously watch for wizards operating in any public way, and have both the number of their own magicians as well as status with the state to prevent wizards from combining into circles, schools, orders, or upstart temples... so it is off to the far places that wizards hie themselves, NOT to combine and return in magical vengeance against their oppressors (not very often, anyway; the Revanchistas and the foundation of the Athamic Misericorde dyn...