Orbs of the Terhume Diaspora
Orbs of the Terhume Diaspora 618. As many as one star in twenty of FGKM types have autochtonous life. An Earthlike, shirstleeve-habitable planet has never yet been found in the [REDACTED] hundred decamillennia of the Diaspora. Proteins, trace elements, mutations and diseases particular to the interactions of two or more biologies all require either gear unique to a narrow class of planets, or surgical or genetic modification for shirtsleeve colonying up. An alien biome requires centuries of domestication and typically results in the obliteration of 80% or more of native life. The modern Terhumene frowns upon such acts. Millennia and decamillennia are required for the typical unliving domestication targets, such as Venus, Mars, and Lune in the Zeroeth Age, and Sigma Draconica in the legend-haunted First Age. Domestication possibilities are dramatically sped up at the Fourth praxic plateaux, notably under the Machinic Secòndment, when slipstream mastery leads to deep gal...